We have your interests at heart.


Our lawyers have a combined experience of over 50 years in serving businesses and individuals, and have a track record of excellence. Our clients commend us for our practicality, problem-solving approach and our diligence.

Denning Legal has evolved to become a go-to law firm for businesses and individuals alike.


We are multidisciplinary.

Our practice cuts across several areas of law, including business law, family law and criminal law. By keeping our practice broad-based, we are able to have a holistic view of legal issues and provide solutions that truly address them.

We are local.

Think of us as the approachable neighbourhood law firm. We are based in Victoria, and our lawyers have been serving businesses and individuals in Victoria for over two decades. We are a part of the community and have the interests of its people at heart.

We give the best advice.

Our lawyers have a combined experience of over 20 years in legal practice, and have also served in various commercial roles in businesses across Australia. Our experience as both lawyers and business people gives us a unique perspective and helps us to identify better with our clients, understand their pain points, and provide solutions that really meet their needs. We keep our advice simple and straight-to-the-point, and will not bore you with complex legal language.

We love a good challenge.

We see tough legal issues as opportunities to increase our creativity and for legal innovation. Our clients trust us to help them unravel their knottiest legal problems, and we are always happy to take them on.

We love the law.

We are passionate about the law and are constantly improving our knowledge and practice of it. We also work to contribute to the development of the law by advancing novel and creative arguments before the courts and publishing articles in both local and international journals.

Our Values



We are diligent, and we always strive to ensure that our work measures up to the highest possible standards.



We abide by all relevant ethical and professional standards.

Creativity and Innovation

We apply out-of-the-box thinking to provide solutions to the novel legal issues that individuals and businesses face.



Our clients are our priority. We are courteous, cheerful, and strive to make sure that your experience with us entirely positive.


We know that time is money, which is why we always provide our services as speedily as possible, to ensure that our clients get the best value for their money.


Continual Learning

We believe in constantly improving our knowledge of the law and staying on top of developments in all areas relevant to our practice, to ensure that our legal advice is up-to-date and relevant.


Our commitment to you

Praesent eleifend nibh id fringilla molestie. Aliquam eleifend imperdiet tortor, in mollis nunc aliquam nec. Cras eget neque sit amet arcu eleifend rhoncus. Donec turpis massa, fermentum eu magna quis, tristique ornare magna. Aliquam enim nulla, sagittis nec risus sit amet.

Maximus pretium sapien. Sed viverra turpis nec arcu aliquam, sed molestie nunc aliquet. Phasellus vel lacus non dolor feugiat blandit eu nec tellus. Fusce volutpat lectus at velit euismod, non interdum ligula suscipit. Nullam luctus, libero quis tempor vehicula, lectus justo gravida dolor, vel placerat urna augue quis nisl. Nulla id magna est. Proin congue consequat fringilla. Donec et porttitor arcu, at lobortis arcu.


Community involvement

Praesent eleifend nibh id fringilla molestie. Aliquam eleifend imperdiet tortor, in mollis nunc aliquam nec. Cras eget neque sit amet arcu eleifend rhoncus. Donec turpis massa, fermentum eu magna quis, tristique ornare magna. Aliquam enim nulla, sagittis nec risus sit amet, maximus pretium sapien. Sed viverra turpis nec arcu aliquam, sed molestie nunc aliquet. Phasellus vel lacus non dolor feugiat blandit eu nec tellus.

Fusce volutpat lectus at velit euismod, non interdum ligula suscipit. Nullam luctus, libero quis tempor vehicula, lectus justo gravida dolor, vel placerat urna augue quis nisl. Nulla id magna est. Proin congue consequat fringilla. Donec et porttitor arcu, at lobortis arcu.


Careers at Denning

Praesent eleifend nibh id fringilla molestie. Aliquam eleifend imperdiet tortor, in mollis nunc aliquam nec. Cras eget neque sit amet arcu eleifend rhoncus. Donec turpis massa, fermentum eu magna quis, tristique ornare magna.

Aliquam enim nulla, sagittis nec risus sit amet, maximus pretium sapien. Sed viverra turpis nec arcu aliquam, sed molestie nunc aliquet. Phasellus vel lacus non dolor feugiat blandit eu nec tellus. Fusce volutpat lectus at velit euismod, non interdum ligula suscipit. Nullam luctus, libero quis tempor vehicula, lectus justo gravida dolor, vel placerat urna augue quis nisl. Nulla id magna est. Proin congue consequat fringilla. Donec et porttitor arcu, at lobortis arcu.


Take the hassle out of legal matters.